Being sick
caused me to think
while I was lying on my bed
trying hard to sleep
but can't
because my nose is painful
due to sinus

Get me to wonder
how great a small bacteria
can do
to affect people's life
alter people's timetable
destroy people's morale
damn it
damn it
damn it

While feeling week
i felt that
i have no control
over my life...
what a scary thought

It really makes me salute
to people who suffered
from chronic diseases
and yet
still stay strong
carry on their life
and responsibility...
Won't they felt 100x or perhaps 1000x
greater pain
than I do??

I think
it's the time
for me to do more charity work
involve in more organizations
which helps others
who suffered
and helps to mend
the broken hearts
and shattered dreams
with my tiny bits of power.

You can do it,
and friends,
so do you (^.^)

ps: whenever i think of charity, i think of him, my bestie, vin...proud of u =p